To: All Property Owners on and around Callahan and Mud Lake
From: Callahan Mud Lake Association Board Members and Members of the Dam Committee
HOLD THE DATES: Callahan Mud Lake Protective Association meetings:
May 25th, July 6th, August 31st
Spring and Summer is upon us after having a very mild winter.
Our Lake Association meetings will begin again on May 25th at 10:00am at The Town of Round Lake town hall. We, also, will be setting this up as a zoom call for those who are unable to attend. We will send out that information by the end of April.
A committee of volunteers has been working on establishing a Lake District. This committee has continued to meet every two weeks and develop the required information of becoming a Lake District. Our continued work with an engineer, Wisconsin DNR, UW Extension, and new committee members have moved us along to prepare for the next steps. We will present all of this information at the meetings.
We are now at the point of defining the members based on guidelines from the state. We are reaching out to make certain that everyone who has been identified as potential Lake District members and who may not have received information previously understands the reasons for forming a Lake District and knows how to get more information. There is a wealth of information on our website:
Since the formation of the committee the number of volunteers has grown. The list of active members and their contact is as follows:
Lynne Amundson:
Kimberly Kayler:
Jake Steinberg:
Denise Kohl:
Stephen McIntosh:
Holly Robbins:
Pat Stangl:
Dave Tenner:
Denny Toll:
We are looking forward to sharing this information at the meeting. We would enjoy hearing from you with any questions/feedback and welcome you to join us in conversation about our advancements and process in our endeavor. If you are interested in helping to complete the work and/or join our committee, contact one of the committee members listed above.
Please reach out to all of your neighbors and encourage their presence at these meetings. All of our ongoing endeavors greatly impact everyone. We need to hear from you. Now is the time to get involved.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Thank you, Callahan Mud Lake Association Board and Dam Committee Members
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