Your Feedback Please!
As the Dam Committee assesses its progress so far and prioritizes its focus going forward, it would be helpful to have your input on whether you are receiving the information that you need and how you are feeling about the formation of a Lake District in support of our lakes. Below is a link to a simple 3-question survey that was also distributed via a postcard in your mailbox. The content is the same, so no need to fill out both of them, but we would be grateful if you would complete one of them as a way to inform and guide our work. Importantly, this is not a vote on whether or not to form a Lake District – it is simply a non-binding “pulse check” of how we are doing as a committee and what issues might need our attention. Thanks in advance and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the committee members or the Callahan-Mud Lake Protective Association board members who are all listed on this website. Your reply by Monday, Oct. 25 is appreciated. Survey link: